Wednesday, June 01, 2011

❆ winter blues already? ❆

It's the first day of winter today and I'm nestled in our little cottage in Port Fairy, where the weather is beautifully clear and sunny but I have to stay inside and do lots of work. Walks on the beach with the dogs later should help me get some fresh air ....

I'm really missing my dad. I know he would have loved staying down here - he would have had a little boat out on the river in no time, and I'm sure he'd have worked enthusiastically with G, fixing up the house, building boats in our back yard and puttering about in the bay. Even though he lived on a tropical island with a picture-perfect lagoon virtually on his doorstep, he just loved meeting new people, working with timber and boating in all sorts of climates, and this would have been a great little getaway for him.

Whenever I walk across the little old wooden bridge that spans the river and looks over the port, I can't help wishing my dad could share some time in this pretty little village with me.

I love this place but these thoughts are bittersweet.

(Image sources: 1, 23, 4 & 5)

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