I've been loving the mild weather that's characterised this summer. It's still summery but not as hot as usual, and much more comfortable. Although our water tanks are empty (fingers crossed for rain soon!) and parks and gardens are getting dusty, there is still some green grass to be seen in some places - unheard of in January for the last decade or so. We also haven't had those typical weeks of sleepless nights or long spells where the daytime temperatures hover around 40° for days on end ....
On Saturday we took Gus to the Edinburgh Gardens in Fitzroy and just lazed under the trees. A group of arty types had set up mikes and a sound system, guitars and drums under the elm trees, providing an impromptu (and free!) concert of smooth summer grooves, while others played tippety cricket or lounged on picnic blankets nearby. Gus played with his ball and snuffled in the green grass.

Today we lunched at
CERES and I bought some seedlings to replenish the rather bedraggled pots in my garden. I love the CERES nursery - it has a growing collection of very friendly chickens who enthusiastically rush to greet customers or casually show off in their dust baths as we peruse the plants for sale.

After dinner we heard the tinkling tune of an icecream truck so we ran barefoot down the street to catch it and finished off a gloriously sunny evening with mixed gelati. Yum!

All in all, we had a lovely weekend.
I hope you did too. What did you get up to?
(melted truck image from here)