Saturday, April 19, 2008

All tucked up in bed (autumn garden diary)

Last weekend I planted lots of vegies in pots - we can't grow leafy greens in the garden itself 'cause we're using grey water to irrigate the beds, but I can still use tank water for my pots and window boxes. So ... all tucked up in pots under the straw are radish seeds, lettuce seedlings, corn salad sprouts, ruby chard and cabbages. Gus has only snuffled and dug in one pot so far.

In the garden I planted out sugar snap peas and some sweet peas (for their fragrance and pretty flowers). I also cleared away some of the tired-looking summer plants, as well as an enormous uninvited (self-seeded) pumpkin plant, which I quite liked for its vigorous growth and dish-like leaves, but which was taking up too much space. Emmerson has had to make a new little hideaway ... she liked sleeping under the pumpkin plant.

We still have a number of self-seeded cucumber plants whose soft round forms contrast nicely with spiky grey artichokes:

Thinking ahead to next summer, to add some colour I planted purple echinacea (coneflower) seedlings, as well as a vibrant blue salvia (I'm not sure which variety).

This weekend I might plant some broad beans, and I hope I'll have enough room to grow sweetcorn in the spring.

Meanwhile, we see that autumn is settling in ....

1 comment:

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

That all sounds lovely. We must have been working in our gardens around the same time. I have parsnips and garlic peeking through this week.

... also ...

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