Friday, February 03, 2012

Worm me up, baby!

Hmm, it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted ...

I've been quite tired lately but we enjoyed a few days down at Port Fairy last week - it was hot and sunny and really lovely spending time in the sleepy village atmosphere and playing with the dogs at the beach. I realised that despite the region having a higher rainfall record than Melbourne, the garden there gets very hot and dry in summer so I've been re-thinking my plans.... Still loving the idea of an informal, insect-attracting perennial garden though, particularly in the naturalistic style and with beautiful ornamental grasses featured.

Just as a record for myself, I took some photos of the 'blank slate' front garden in November. It looks rather glum at the moment but I hope we'll be enjoying a very different space in a year's time.

(We're planning to paint the house and replace the 1970s fence; the verandah has recently been re-stumped and re-decked; and that ugly ramp and handrail have gone, as has the giant Strelitzia - the 'Bird of Paradise' plant. I also need to remove the Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet) and the Oleander 'cause they're rather poisonous, but I'm planning to plant some trees, most likely a flowering crabapple and a magnolia...)

The back garden is bigger, pretty much just a large expanse of lawn and two apple trees. I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into them when the weather is milder and I'm more mobile ... that little place is more than ready for a facelift!

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