Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A little story about trees

Overheard on the tram this morning - a highly animated conversation between a very small child (VSC) and a young mum (YM):

VSC: Mummy, why is all everything all on the ground?

YM: Well, the trees lose their leaves in Autumn, so they fall on the ground.

VSC, wide-eyed: They lose their leaves?

YM: Yes - when it's sunny the trees get all their nutrients through their leaves, then when it gets cold, the leaves die and they fall off.....

VSC, completely crestfallen: .... oooohhhh ....

YM: .... and the trees have a rest during winter ...

VSC, devastatingly saddened: .... ooooohhhh ....

YM: .... and then in spring, they get a whole lot of new shoots and the leaves grow back.

VSC, squealing with delight: .... The leaves come back?! They get new leaves again!! Then they're pretty and they have leaves!!!

It's a simple process, but it makes me happy too.


Umā said...

so sweet!

Sarah said...

Aww... so cute!

... also ...

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