Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Sweet Relief!

Sheesh - it's been so hot this week! Many people were particularly grumpy yesterday, not only because it was Monday, but mainly because it's been so hard to sleep after several days of high temperatures.

We enjoyed the hot summery days of the last couple of weeks, going to see some live jazz in the beautiful Fiztory Gardens as the sun set and the music drifted across picnic sets to the possums scurrying between elm groves. We had BBQs for dinner and drinks on the patio amongst the summer array of cottage flowers and busy buzzing bees. Then came this last weekend, with Friday bringing ever more heat, Saturday warming up still more, and Sunday being hot enough to wilt even the most committed fans of Summer.

Without an air conditioner in the house, we've been making do with an old electric fan, and we splashed out on another small fan for the bedroom recently. It still didn't help us much as the temperature climbed to 44 degrees on Sunday. Not having the energy to do anything active like walking around a museum or art gallery, we decided to go to the cinema ........ an upon arrival realised that several hundered other people had exactly the same plan at the same time. The queues went all the way through the building and out into the back street, so desperate were people to find a comfortable place to spend a few hours away from the searing heat and infernal north wind.

We did end up buying tickets for a later screening of 'The Constant Gardener', were quite amused by the reaction of the crowd to the four icy-cold-beer advertisements that screened before the movie,("oooooohhhhhh!!!"), and managed to open up the house a little as the cool breezes finally came through in the evening.

No rain though, and it seems that more hot weather is on the way, with another 40-degree day predicted for this Thursday. When will I have a chance to plant my vegetables out???

There are terrible bushfires all over southern Australia at the moment, with a couple of hundred burning in Victoria alone. The sky is hazy and casting that weird bushfire glow, a heavy orange syrup pushing through the grey.

This photo was taken by Andrew de la Rue and was published in the Age online today. Devastating stuff.

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