OK - now I'm starting to get a bit grumpy about the heat. Thousands of hectares of bushland are burning across the state, hundreds of thousands of animals have been killed, some firefighters and fleeing residents have died, and 24 homes had burnt down by the last time I watched the news (yesterday morning).
The Age Online has an interactive map on which you can check the progress of the fires and their victims. It's all very sad and I'm feeling grumpy ....
This is what remains of the Halls gap area at the beautiful Grampians National Park - so sad to think that all these lovely National Parks and bushland areas have suffered the same fate as Wilsons Promontory, much of which was destroyed by fire last year.
It was 41 degrees again yesterday on the Australia Day holiday. Our house was a cool refuge at the start of Summer but now it seems more like a little pressure cooker. In another effort to escape the hot northerly winds yesterday we went to the cinema again and queued for tickets to 'Narnia' (three hours in a cool room - we figured we'd get more for our buck with a bit of an epic). The movie was rather ho-hum and a little silly at times; probably best enjoyed by youngsters under ten.
It didn't cool down much overnight.
Today has been incredibly muggy, with a few drops of rain, thunder rolling around but no cool change to cheer everyone up. Please let it rain tonight!
The photos on today's post were taken by readers of The Age, Ken Dyer, Simon O'Dwyer and Kester Crellin.